Tune in at 30:30 mins to hear from one of our principle investigators speaking on his main area of focus on CBC radio! …
10th Annual GF Strong Rehab Research Day The 9th Annual Rehab Research Day saw a record attendance of more than 170 people, including clinicians, students, faculty…
The 9th Annual Rehab Research Day saw a record attendance of more than 170 people, including clinicians, students, faculty and staff, participating throughout the days events. The…
On September 27, the 9 UBC faculty in the Rehab Research Program of the Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute hosted a Research Participant Appreciation…
On February 14th, Dr. Ben Mortenson spoke about his Older Adults and Online Dating research on CBC radio in morning. Give his interview with Rick Cluff a…
Photo retrieved from the Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute Read about Dr. Ben Mortenson’s research on how Older Adults’ Online Dating Profiles Redefine Successful Aging
“One-on-One with Bill Miller” By UBC Faculty of Medicine
As a one of AGEWELL’s Core Research Projects, the WP2.1 team has been working to create Innovative Technology for Caregivers. Here are some of…
Project title: Improving Self-Management Skills among People with Spinal Cord Injury Principal Investigator: Dr. Ben Mortenson Co-Investigators: Dr. Patricia Mills, Dr. Bonita Sawatzky Program: PSR…