10th Annual GF Strong Rehab Research Day
The 9th Annual Rehab Research Day saw a record attendance of more than 170 people, including clinicians, students, faculty and staff, participating throughout the days events.
This years event will mark the 10th anniversary of this successful day highlighting Rehab Research. 
What to expect on May 8th, 2019:
Plenary Speaker:
Dr. Eva Widerstrom-Noga D.D.S., PH.D.
Research professor at the University of Miami Miller School Of Medicine, working with the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis. Her area of expertise is in the important and challenging problem of chronic pain in persons who have sustained neurological trauma, such as spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injury (SCI/TBI)
“Pain after spinal cord injury – a multidimensional problem”
Lunchtime speaker:
Dr. Zeid Mohamedali MD, PhD, FRCSC
Chief Medical Officer at Zenabis
“Medical Marijuana in Rehabilitation: What do clinicians need to know?”
Podium Presentation and Poster Presentations
- Awards for presenters including: Best Overall Poster/Podium Presentations, Best Post Doctoral/Graduate Student Poster/Podium Presentation
Preliminary Program for the days events
This event is free to attend every year.
Hosted by the Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation with the support of VCH and GF Strong Rehab Centre
To be involved in the 10th Annual Rehab Research please contact Maria Canvin or Tasha Klotz.
We invite research presentations and posters from rehabilitation clinicians, researchers, graduate students, and residents on projects and topics relevant to the rehabilitation community.
Presentations may be in the following categories:
1. Original research.
2. An evidence based review of topics in rehabilitation research and/or clinical practice.
3. A unique or important case report with a focused literature review suitable for publication in the peer reviewed literature.
April 3, 2019 Submit presentation title.
April 17, 2019 Submit completed abstract.
April 24, 2019 Decision for podium or poster presentation announced.
May 2, 2019 Submit PowerPoint presentation.